Saturday, August 22, 2009

Video: Untitled Hurricane Katrina Documentary by Mikon Haaksman

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  1. The biggest failure in karina was the folks who failed to leave ahead of the storm. New Orleans is a bowl protected by levies from the normal flow of the river. Levees have been failing along the river since the first one has been built. I saw many a car under water that should have been used to get out. There was fair warning that this storm was going to be a monster. Planning the government to rescue you is a deadly plan.


  2. Hello. I'm glad you liked my documentary about Hurricane Katrina. We certainly wanted the viewer to get more of a sense of what it was like to witness the aftermath of the storm, rather than play the blame game. I had been to New Orleans just a month after the storm and was struck by the awesome devastation all around. I had heard stories from people who watched relatives drown and die and all I could think was - "this could happen to anyone." The general public, I think, became distanced from the reality of the devastation by all of the politics involved. 10 second news bites didn't allow the impact of the destruction to hit people. When you see it with your own eyes, no matter your political or racial standing, you cannot help but get emotional about it.
