Friday, July 24, 2009

A letter to our county commissioner about emergency preperation for hyperinflation / and a response - what are your thoughts on this?

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  1. Seems like a form letter designed to reassure people. Of course, when asking a serious question, there's nothing more unsettling than receiving a form letter.

  2. Looks like the bottom got cut off. Here's the rest:

    Best regards,

    Benjamin Dover
    FEMA Camp Bus Driver

  3. From Sue Card:
    I have thought about doing the same thing with our town mayor and council. To be honest, that sounds like a generic answer with no specific plan. Let's hope all local bodies become educated and pro-active but the bottom line is we can only try to educate others while diligently taking care of our own specific preparations.

  4. Been tellen folks for 25 years we'd end up at this point in time and history. I fill like A mother about to go into labor. She knows there's alot of pain coming. You just can't give birth wihout first going through the pain. I believe the pain and suffering we're about to go through will give birth to A better and strounger nation than we've ever known.

  5. Wouldn't writing such a letter identify you to local authorities as someone who potentially has food and supplies stockpiled?

  6. This bureaucrat has absolutely no clue what question he's being asked. The answer is nothing more than a patronizing pat on the head...

  7. If one gets to a barter society, then public employees would be redundant, as they are not paid in coffee or bullets. The real question might be 'how many services can b provided long term without; will the gravity water system work without folk there to play with the valves...

  8. It may appear to your readers that I am taking sides with the governments that be, please know that I am not. However as I was reading the two letters it came to me that if a local government became a prepper then it could be a gamble that they probably would not want to wager. Here's a thought. Administration A preps then is voted out of office. Administration B is faced with a crisis and is able to profit from admin A's efforts. The people might win but polititians want to win along with the people with pats on the back etc. Also with limited resources as all of us are faced with there is no money for extra resources to be set aside. Now for your question about hyper-inflation. It's like everything else. If the preppers are right then they were smart if thay are wrong (or the timing is off) they are dumb. Can you see the headlines if your county decided to stockpile 90% silver coins. " County Officials turn Survivalist". To be honest there is not going to be very much government if tshtf. The Federal Gov. will be invisible. It will be every man for himself and will be for a long time. Lets just say that no other crisis worse to hit us but hyper-inflation that in and of itself is going to cerate a thousand crisises. The average man or woman is not even going to know how to horsetrade for what they need. Barter is an art that hopefully is a win win situation. Some people are going to curl up is a fetal position and cry for their momma. They will eventually do something when their stomach starts to growl.

  9. What we NEED to do is to send each county, city, and other local taxing authority a letter encouraging them to file for bankruptcy. This will get the ball rolling. Of course, the creditors would be you and I, the taxpayers.
